And so it begins... I had big plans to sit down in the evening of my first day of teacher orientation to write my next blog post. Haha. That was a great joke. Who did I think I am? Superwoman?
Don’t get me wrong I had generally speaking an excellent day, but after
several meetings,
hours of moving furniture (often filled with books because who wants to unload the shelf, move the shelf, and then put everything back on the shelf??),
vacuuming (whoah, I had no idea THAT was behind those shelves I put there three years ago…),
a drive to IKEA that took almost an hour (because rush hour)
according shopping experience ...
… after all that I was exhausted. I made it home. I was even able unpack my lunch and get eggs and soy sauce from the next-door grocer while my sweet husband was cooking us dinner, but beyond that: nada. I just grabbed that glass of wine my husband had filled for me and plopped down on the couch, essentially not moving until bed time - aside from reaching for another piece of chocolate.
When I left my classroom at the end of the day, I felt pretty good. The school had been doing some renovation projects over the summer, so we had to put all our furniture back into place, unpack boxes and re-shelve books. I actually really look forward to that part of the school year. You wonder about the new kids and all the things you’re gonna do this year. Everything is neat and orderly and clean (must be a teacher thing…) and looking spiffy. (Yup, spiffy.) And within hours your room transforms from a complete and utter chaos into a nice and neat classroom. Aside from this one desk (or rather group of desks) that has all this clutter on it that you found throughout the day. Just sitting there, patiently, waiting for you to put it where it goes.
It is now the evening of the second day. Another glass of wine next to me and a few more pieces of chocolate over on the coffee table. Those messy desks are cleaned up, everything that needs to be labeled is labeled (and let me tell ya, that was A LOT of labeling happening today!), and I even started figuring out what I will actually be doing with the kiddos that first week of school.
So, while I am finishing up this blog post, just about ready to pass out no the couch, I do feel bit like Superwoman: How else could I have conquered that chaos?